White Dove Aesthetics

V-Steam Experience

V- Steam is available in our Bundles of Beauty packages.

Is an herbal steaming bath for the vagina, it has a lot of benefits for women, it cleanses the uterus, vaginal orders, tightens, strengthen and tones the vagina and reproductive organs, help to reduce cramps during menstrual flow, good for hormone imbalance during menopause, reduces and ease the pain of hemorrhoids, can be used to help with fertility and drains toxins out of the uterus. Frees the mind and brings relaxation and calmness to the entire body.

V-Steam is an excellent for women going through:
* Fibro Tumors
* Hot Flashes
* Vaginal dryness
* Tightens the Vagina
* Tones the Vagina
* Yeast Infections
* Irregular or heavy menstrual flow (bleeding)
* Blocked Fallopian Tubes
* Hemorrhoids
* Polycystic
* Overweight
* Stress and Anxiety
* Bladder Infections
* Post Menstrual Syndrome
* Fibro Tumors
* Scars

Here is what V-Steam can do for you:
1. Balances your hormones
2. Regulates your periods and the flow of blood
3. Increases blood circulation throughout your body
4. Balances your emotions
5. Decreases your hot flashes
6. Makes you feel comfortable and calms you down mentally and
7. Make you lose some weight
8. Help your body to absorb vitamins
9.Strengthen and tightens the vagina

WHITE DOVE personalizes the V-Steams. We have several different types of V-Steams and they are all different and the effectiveness are also different too from woman-to-woman, that is why we do an assessment and consultation before any steaming is allowed. Each woman will be on a different herbal regime and the herbs, spices, flowers, bark and some other natural things that grow in the earth-all are mixed and blended for each woman according to their needs.

All of our herbs, spice, flowers, barks and anything else is as natural and organic and is in its most naturalist form that we can use. They are also cultivated naturally too, which means the environment in which they grow are just as natural and organic as the herbs, spices, bark, etc. itself. Now, with that being said we do not use: No Chemicals, No Genetically manufactured plants, and No Color Substitutes and if we use scents, they are 100% essential oils.

*An Assessment and Consultation required prior V-Steam.

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